Thursday, April 14, 2011

A few others, assorted dates...

Photo House NYC Trip 2011

This year, while on the annual Photo House trip to NYC, I took the opportunity to make photographs for for the pure sake of making photographs- a cathartic act I had not taken the time to do for too long a time. I shot mostly film - and I don't know when/if I will get around to developing it. This is a street performer in Central Park, the light filtering in under the bridge was beautiful.

While looking through my photos i was struck with a strange sense of familiarity. Here is the same street performer in Central Park who I photographed on the 2010 Photo House NYC trip.

Back to the blog...

I haven't updated since i finished Elements of Fine Art Photography, a class that required me to update on a regular basis. I still plan to make use of this blog, however on a less frequent basis. I am now taking Elements of Advertising Photography. For our first assignment we had to make use of selective focus on a 4x5.  This is my first image, taken using Fuji instant. This is the first time I ever used a 4x5.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Week Ten Soliloquy

Last night I came back from classes and my roommate had already passed out for the night. This was about 7:40. The only light in the room came from my desk lamp. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Walking out of Building 7

I took these when I walked out of Building 7 at around 5:00 the other day.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Grandfather, Great Grandfather, Great Great Grandfather

I'm using these images for a project in 2D design at the moment

My Grandfather in his Marine uniform circa the Korean War.
My Great Grandfather and Great Great Grandfather. I believe this was taken when they met up in France during WWI. I think my Great Grandfather was in a regiment out of Ontario, and my Great Great Grandfather was in the Ontario Reserves.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Stroboscopic Flash

Today I decided to play with the Multi function on my 580EXII...
I think I will continue experimenting...

Sunday, January 23, 2011


I took this while I was shooting my landscape project. In the middle of the stream behind K Lot, frozen footprints of man and deer crossed paths. I fell through the ice up to my knees shortly after this, cutting my shoot short.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Edward Burtynsky

In the aftermath of my landscape project, I've been thinking about the work of Edward Burtynsky. I was first introduced to Burtynsky's work through an exhibit I visited at the Shelburne Museum near Burlington, VT that was showcasing his work alongside original Ansel Adams prints. This photo was taken as part of his work at the Rock of Ages quarry sites. This particular image was taken at the quarry in Beebee, QC. I live right on the border, and I live within earshot of this particular quarry when they do their blasting.
For more of Burtynsky's work visit:

Thursday, January 20, 2011

It has been a while...

I haven't been keeping up with this, but here is some of what I have shot for this blog over the last couple of weeks.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Photos that didn't make the final cut.

 This is a group of images that did not make it into my final portraits project - but that I like nonetheless.  These images were eliminated from the project for a variety of reasons.  Zack here did not make it in to the final project at all - I shot these before I had cemented my approach to the project and as a result they don't fit with the other images in the group. So to make it up to you Zack, I put two up here.

 I was not happy with the black void behind Cyrus in this image, I should have left my shutter open longer to pick up some light back there. There was a lot of moonlight when this was taken, and it is just past sunset.
 This image, and several others of Dale, didn't really work for the project because I aimed to use the home as a set piece of sorts.
 In the end, I just had images of Emily with better light.
 I love this moment with Justin and his dog (Zoe i believe), but the focus here just wasn't where I wanted it to be.
 This was painful. I love this image - except for my framing of Russell with a giant wreath growing out of his head...
I like this image of Katherine, however I just had better moment with her sitting on the porch with Buddy.